Dragon Age Inquisition guide and walkthrough: The Hinterland Side Quests part 2 (2024)

There's a lot of Hinterland side quests. Here's the second part of our guide to completing them all.

Master of Horses

Description: Horsemaster Dennet may be able to provide horses for the Inquisition. He just needs to be convinced.
Reward: Horse, +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Scout Harding

Speak with Dennet
Mount the horse at the stables

At the Crossroads, talk to Scout Harding, then make your way to Redcliffe Farms and find Dennett. Talking to Dennett will also being the side quests Farmland Security and Trouble with Wolves.

Pop to the stable and saddle up to finish the quest. While you’re here, you can also take care of the In the Saddle side quest.

In the Saddle

Description: A wealthy young landowner’s daughter, Seanna, has built a course for racing horses.
Reward: Gold
Requirements: Procure a horse by completing the Master of Horses side quest.
Starting NPC: Seanna

Complete Seanna’s first race
Complete Seanna’s second race
Complete Seanna’s final race

Seanna is hanging around the stables at Redcliffe Farms. Talk to her to start the quest, then saddle up and follow the map marker to the starting point for the race. Check in with Seanna between races to progress to the next one. If you fail, talk to her to retry the race. Finish up the quest by checking in with her one last time after you’ve run all 3 races.

Farmland Security

Description: Bron believes building a series of watchtowers in the area would warn farmers and refugees of incoming attacks.
Reward: +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: Start the Master of Horses side quest.
Starting NPC: Bron

Speak with Bron
Mark three watchtower locations
Complete the Watchtowers in the Farms operation at the war table
Inform Bron that the watchtowers have been built

Talk to Dennet to start the quest, then head to Redcliffe Farms and speak to Bron to have 3 map markers appear. Return to the war room in Haven and get advisors out to the Watchtowers near the Farms and when they report back, head back to Bron to wrap up the quest. It’s worth noting that you’ll need a power level of at least 2 before you send your advisors out.

Trouble with Wolves

Description: Elaina has agreed to bring the farmers back once the area has been rid of wolves.
Reward: +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: Start the Master of Horses side quest.
Starting NPC: Elaina

Ask Elaina how to make the farmers safe again
Deal with the wolves
Tell Elaina the wolves are no longer a problem

Talk to Dennet to start the quest, then head to Redcliffe Farms and talk to Elaina. You’ll need to head to an area in the east for this quest so it’s advisable to pick up the Safeguards Against Looters side quest, as you’ll be sent to the same place.

Follow the map marker to the east, clear out all of the wolves, then return to Elaina to finish the quest.

Horses of the Inquisition

Description: Convince Horsemaster Dennet to leave behind the farm and join the ranks of the
Reward: Dennet joins the Inquisition. +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: Complete The Trouble with Wolves and Farmland Security side quests.
Starting NPC: Dennet

Speak with Dennet

You’ll need Cassandra in your party to use her powers of persuasion on Dennet. Have her get Dennet to join the Inquisition to finish the quest.

Safeguards Against Looters

Description: A man named Hessle fled the fighting to a cave in the northern hills with a secret project in tow.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: A letter on a corpse near the Redcliffe Farms

Search the northern hills

Start the Trouble with Wolves quest, then head to the map marker to the east. Clear out the wolves and collect the loot from the den to complete the quest.

Sketch of Calenhad's Foothold

Description: This sketch of a castle on a rocky ridge marks a spot along a broken wall.
Reward: Rock Armor schematic, +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Corpse south of the Hinterlands starting camp

Find the spot marked on the sketch

Make your way south of the starting camp to find a body and loot it to find a sketch. Head west of the camp to the castle ruins and explore the west side to find a room that contains the item you need to complete the quest.

To gain access to the room, head to the broken wall to the south and use the rubble to climb up. Pop down the ladder into the room and loot the chest to get what you need.

Map to a Waterfall

Description: This map depicts a bridge with four pillars and a waterfall under a tree.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: A scroll west of the Upper Lake camp

Find the spot marked on the map
To the west of the Upper Lake camp is the scroll you need to start the quest. The treasure is behind a waterfall to the south, so follow the river to find it and complete the quest.

Some Dreams

Description: A diary has been found, describing a man’s troubling dreams and his plans to find peace in a cave in the hills.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Note inside an house north of the Crossroads

Search the cave in the hills
Kill the apostate

Enter the house north of the Crossroads to find the note to start the quest, then follow the map marker to the cave. Kill the enemy inside to finish the quest.

Love Waits

Description: A young noble named Berand joined the cult in the hills. He is worried that his lover, Vellina, has not yet arrived to join him.
Reward: +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Letter on a dead body east of Dwarfson’s Pass.

Inform Berand of Vellina’s death

Either talk to Lord Berand in Dwarfson’s Pass or head to the east of Dwarfson’s pass and loot the body you’ll come across to find the letter to start the quest.

Make your way to Lornan’s Exile and explore the rooms on the right to prompt an NPC to approach you. Follow the new map marker and search the area for the required item before returning to the NPC to complete the quest.

My Lover's Phylactery

Description: A phylactery found on a dead templar belongs to his mage lover, Ellendra. The phylactery could point other Templars to Ellendra, and she may welcome its safe return, along with news of her lover.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: A dead body near Winterwatch Tower.

Return the phylactery to Ellendra

Search the area around the Winterwatch Tower to find the body, then return to Ellendra to the north of the camp to finish the quest.

Conscientious Objector

Description: A cabin in Witchwood is locked.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Dead body in the southeastern Hinterlands

Find a key to the cabin
Go to the cabin in the highlands

Search the southeast area of the map near one of the landmark sites to find the dead body, then follow the map marker to the cabin northeast of the Crossroads and kill the enemy inside to complete the quest.

Strange Bedfellows

Description: A scout on duty is worried something’s happened to a fellow scout named Ritts, who was tasked with investigating apostates in the area.
Reward: +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Inquisition scout north of White Pass camp

Search for the missing Inquisition scout
Update the worried scout on the status of Ritts

Head south from the Crossroads to find an Inquisition scout to the north of White Pass camp and talk to them to start the quest. Pop Varric in your party for some sweet-talking later, then follow the map marker to find another member of the Inquisition engaged in battle. Lend them a hand, then look for body in this area, inspect it, and talk to the soldier again. After Varric talks her around for you, return to the scout to complete the quest.

A Spirit in the Lake

Description: A storyteller mentioned a spirit in a nearby lake. If offered a blood lotus, the spirit
apparently gives a favor in return.
Reward: Warlord Greatsword, +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: During the In Hushed Whispers main story quest, reach Redcliffe Village.
Starting NPC: Storyteller near the fast travel point in Redcliffe

Take a blood lotus to the lake

There is an NPC close to the fast travel point in Redcliffe who will kick off this quest. Head to Fallow Mire and look for a blood lotus (unless you already have one), then head south of Upper Lake Camp to Lake Luthias and inspect the bowl on the dock to finish the quest.

Letter from a Lover

Description: You found a letter at an abandoned campsite. It instructs a young man to bring felandaris to a tree where a stone lady stands.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: A letter from a campsite in Dead Ram Gorge

Bring felandaris to the tree on the hill

You need to find a felandaris plant, take it to the altar that will be marked on your map, then kill the enemy that appears after you interact with it to wrap up the quest.

You’ll either come across the plant by looting, or you can travel to Emprise du Lion to find it growing in the wild.

Failure to Deliver

Description: A letter found on a dwarven corpse speaks of a package lost somewhere near the river north of the farms.
Reward: Carta Coat, +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: Kill the mages and Templars at the Crossroads
Starting NPC: Note lying next to a corpse and overturned cart

Search the river for the package

When you find the letter, follow the map marker to the relevant area and search next to the river to find what you need and complete the quest.

The Ballad of Lord Woolsley

Description: A young man is distraught that his family’s special ram, Lord Woolsley, has wandered off. He is offering a reward for the ram’s return.
Reward: +177 XP, +80 Influence, +1 Power Level
Requirements: Complete the main story quest In Hushed Whispers
Starting NPC: One-Eyed Jimmy

Locate Lord Woolsley and send him home
Return to Woolsley’s owner for a reward

Talk to One-Eyed Jimmy in Redcliffe to start the quest, then follow the map marker and explore the area to find Lord Woolsley who will be a different colour to his peers. Approach the ram to get it to notice you, then return to One-Eyed Jimmy to finish the quest.

Where the Druffalo Roam

Description: A farmer’s druffalo ran off, spooked by demons, and was last seen in the ravine.
Reward: +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Notice Board

Rescue the farmer’s druffalo
Lead the druffalo back to the pasture
Tell the farmer that his druffalo is safe

You can pick this quest up at the notice board in Redcliffe Farms. The druffalo is to the west and is being set upon by wolves, so kill them and lead it back to the farm at a slow pace to ensure it follows you. Return to the farmer once it’s back safely to complete the quest.

Playing with Fire

Description: A letter found on a corpse said: “Three times around the crowned statue, right hand close enough to brush the stone itself, and the spirits will listen.” Doing so will apparently bring back someone’s grandfather. The letter writer must really miss him.
Reward: Master Demon-Slaying Rune, +44 XP, +40 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Letter on a corpse near Avvar Blade Valley

Bring the grandfather back
Defeat the demon

The body is near the landmark in Avvar Blade Valley. Take the letter from it, then circle the statue as per the instructions, staying as close to it as possible. Kill and loot the enemy that appears to wrap up the quest.

The Mercenary Fortress

Description: Mercenaries are stirring unrest in the Hinterlands. They have occupied an old fort in the woods.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Orders found on or near soldiers in Hafter’s Woods or Avvar Blade Valley

Find the mercenary fortress
Defeat the mercenary leader

You need to kill and loot the groups of soldiers in Avvar Blade Valley or Hafter’s Woods to find the orders to start the quest. Follow the map marker and fight the waves of enemies at the hideout to reach the mercenary leader. Clear out the hideout, kill him and sweep the balcony behind him to obtain the Valammar key to finish the quest.

If you’re below level 7, you might struggle with this quest as the mercenary leader is pretty tough. Mages with barrier spells are your friend for this one.

Map of the Farmland Cave

Description: This map depicts a farmhouse near a cave.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Map located east of the mercenary hideout, in Hafter’s Woods

Find the spot marked on the map

Find the map to the east of the mercenary hideout and follow the map marker to the northeast of Redcliffe Farms to find a cave containing the treasure. Collect it to complete the quest. The cave is to the west of the astrarium.

Return Policy

Description: A thief stole something important from a fortress to the west. A threatening note found on the thief’s body suggests that whoever he stole it from very much wants it back.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Note found on a dead body west of the Broken Bridge

Return the stolen treasure to the western fortress

From the hideout in the Mercenary Fortress side quest, follow the path up the hill and head right at the fork. Interact with the altar at the end of the path and kill the enemy that appears to complete the quest.

Flowers for Senna

Description: An elderly widower visits his wife’s shrine each year, but the fighting between the mages and templars has prevented him from making the trip.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: Complete the main story quest In Hushed Whispers
Starting NPC: Widower

Take flowers to Senna’s shrine
Return to the widower

The old man in Redcliffe will give you this quest, and once you’ve talked to him, follow the map marker to the grave, place the flowers, and return to him to finish the quest.

Bergrit’s Claws

Description: A hunter named Bergrit was out looking for large bears to collect their claws, which appear to be of considerable value. It may be wise to pick up where he left off.
Reward: 3 Great Bear Claws, +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Note found on a corpse near Dead Ram Gorge

Find three great bear claws

Complete this quest by finding 3 Great Bear Claws. The bears hang out in the southwest and can be a difficult opponent if you’re below level 7.

Hinterlands Who’s Who

Description: A hunter appears to have been mauled by a bear and died in its cave. According to his letter, he was trying to get enough of something to help. He must have been desperate.
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Letter found on a corpse in Old Simeon’s Cave

Take the hunter’s letter back to his family

Search the southwest of the Hinterlands to find the cave containing the hunter’s body, take the letter from his corpse, follow the map marker to the letterbox at Redcliffe Farms and interact with it to finish the quest.

Deep Trouble

Description: The Carta are setting up a red lyriummining operation in the Hinterlands with the help of local mercenaries.
Reward: +1,025 XP, +400 Influence, +3 Power Level
Requirements: None
Starting NPC: Inspect the door in the hidden alcove behind near Lake Luthias.

Find a key to the door
Seek out and eliminate the Carta leader in Valammar

To begin this quest, you can either collect the Valammar key during the Mercenary Fortress side quest, or take a peek behind the waterfall to the south of Lake Luthias, but you will need that key regardless.

Once you have the key, follow the map marker to the entrance of Valammar and loot everything on the way to the target marked on your map. You should have a rogue in your group for this and be warned that this is another quest where being above level 7 would be beneficial.

When you reach the Carta leader, mop up the minions first, then take leader out to finish the quest and begin the next side quest The Vault of Valammar.

The Vault of Valammar

Description: These gears should fit the lock on a large door clearly made to keep out thieves.
Starting NPC: Investigate the sealed vault door in the vat room inside Valammar.
Reward: +512 XP, +80 Influence, +2 Power Level
Requirements: Complete the side quest Deep Trouble
Starting NPC: N/A
Find two gears
Use the gears to open the vault

After defeating the Carta leader in the Deep Trouble side quest, sweep the room to find the first gear. Make your way across the bridge outside and open the locked door with the rogue in your party to find the second gear.

Return to the room where you battled the Carta leader and use the gears on the vault door. Kill the enemies inside and gather the loot to complete the quest.

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Dragon Age Inquisition guide and walkthrough: The Hinterland Side Quests part 2 (2024)


What level should I be to fight the dragon in the hinterlands in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Depending on your difficulty setting you should be able to manage the Hinterlands Dragon and the Western Approach Dragon at lvl 13. Depending on your difficulty setting you should be able to manage the Hinterlands Dragon and the Western Approach Dragon at lvl 13.

Are there missable quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Anything you miss in the Winter Palace is gone for good, same with Here Lies the Abyss' last section. All Inner Circle quest are locked once you finish the main quest. There's a slew of outcomes for War Table missions, many mutually exclusive based on outcome.

What is the hardest boss in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Knight-Captain Denam/Grand Enchanter Fiona - Haven

In Your Heart Shall Burn is arguably the most challenging main quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition. It's also one of the most important, effectively separating the game's first act from everything else that follows.

What happens if you side with the Templars in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Siding with the Mages leads to a more interesting quest line and unique rewards for Mage characters. Deciding to side with the Templars offers benefits for Warrior builds and approval from more party members.

Which dragon is weakest Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Northern Hunter is the weakest dragon in the game so if you have progressed through the many story enough to access Crestwood so should be able to fight the dragon.

What is the highest level you can reach in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the maximum level for player-controlled characters is 27, which is reached at 791,384 experience points.

How long does it take to get to 100% in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition is about 50½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 149 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What not to do in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Playing Too Fast

Side quests are not everyone's favorite thing when it comes to RPGs. Many players prefer to play the main story and go through the story to finish the game, but that's not always the best idea. Speeding through Inquisition is something that should be avoided.

Which Dragon is easiest in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The recommended player level is 13 or above, but the Northern Hunter is considered to be the easiest High Dragon to defeat in the game.

Which class is most fun in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

People generally say Rogue is the most fun, followed by Mage. I will say Warrior has some abilities that let it play like a pseudo-ARPG and has potential to be pretty fun. Races do have different bonuses.

Who can betray you in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Dragon Age players have been betrayed by characters like Morrigan, Anders, Blackwall, and Solas, and can conditionally be betrayed by many others.

Is it better to side with mages or Templars? ›

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon. The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game.

Can you get cole If you side with the mages? ›

If you side with the mages, Cole will appear automatically in a story event afterwards, and you'll be given the opportunity to recruit him permanently once you reach Skyhold. Dorian and Cole switch places if you side with the Templars.

Who can you marry in Inquisition? ›

  • 8 Josephine Montilyet. The Ambassador And Chief Diplomat Of The Inquisition. ...
  • 7 Blackwall. A Free Marcher Grey Warden. ...
  • 6 Iron Bull. Leader Of The Bull Chargers. ...
  • 5 Dorian Pavus. An Altus Mage Of The Tevinter Imperium. ...
  • 4 Cassandra Pentaghast. Right Hand Of The Divine. ...
  • 3 Sera. A Sassy Elven Archer. ...
  • 2 Solas. ...
  • 1 Cullen Rutherford.
Mar 29, 2024

What level should you be for each area in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Area NameEnemy LevelsMetals/Stone
Exalted Plains11 - 16Everite Obsidian Lazurite Veridium
The Emerald Graves15 - 20Bloodstone Dawnstone Everite Iron Obsidian Pyrophite Stormheart
Emprise du Lion19 - 23Bloodstone Dawnstone Silverite
Hissing Wastes19 - 20Amrita Lazurite Nevarrite Serpentstone Volcanic Aurum
9 more rows
Nov 18, 2014

What level should I be to go to Dragon Isles? ›

Dragon Isles Requirements

In order to travel to the Dragon Isles, you will need to own the new Dragonflight expansion and have a character currently at level 58 or higher. It does not matter which version of the Dragonflight expansion you have purchased, all versions grant access to the Dragon Isles starting quests.

What level do you have to be to fight the dragon? ›

It's not so much about the level but the strategies you use. Magick archer and Thief with the right weapons and skills can melt through a dragon as early as lvl 30. Even if you don't have the right weapon, find or use a mage that buffs your weapons with ice attacks and it does become significantly easier.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.