List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (2025)

Last updated on November 25th, 2024 at 06:15 pm

Expecting a child and need extra funds for support? If you are a member of SSS and PhilHealth, then you can get started on updating your records and contributions to meet the least requirements just in time to be eligible and avail the SSS Maternity Benefits and Philhealth Benefits to aid in your hospital bills upon giving birth.

Philhealth and SSS Maternity Benefit are government assisted funds for every Filipino mother. A financial source that we can use on the early days after our baby’s birth to aid us on our hospital bills, essential needs and even as added amount for our baby’s required newborn vaccines.

If you want to know more on how to avail the SSS MATERNITY BENEFIT, let’s discuss here on this post.

SSS Maternity Benefits

A daily cash allowance for female members who cannot work due to childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy including stillbirth.

Please note that it is my own checklist based on my research, so if there’s anything amiss please contact the involved offices for further questions and clarifications.

I am lucky as I have time to settle and plan my payments ahead of time thus meeting the minimum number of contributions to avail the said benefits. I have listed the requirements needed for the availment of Maternity Benefits. New moms, please ensure that you have all the requirements and correct number of contributions to be eligible and avail the benefits.

Requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit:

  1. MAT 1 (Maternity Notification) – You need to submit this atleast 60 days from date of conception. Also an ultrasound as evidence of your pregnancy or Doctor’s certificate indicating the date of your expected delivery. They will receive the form, record the data and return it to you.
  2. MAT 2 (Maternity Reimbursement) – You just need to fill up the form and submit it with other requirements.
  3. UMID or 2 valid ID’s with photo and date of birth or if you have applied for UMID and haven’t received it yet you can submit the UMID Stub.
  4. SSS Contribution receipts (RS-5)
  5. Summary of discharge (request to Hospital)
  6. For NORMAL Delivery:
  • Birth Certificate (NSO or Civil Local Registrar)

For Cesarean Delivery:

  • Birth Certificate (NSO or Civil Local Registrar)
  • Operating Room / Surgical memorandum certified by Hospital
  • OB History form (request to OB)

Submit and have the SSS receivedall requirements and just wait for your check to be delivered at home or credited to your account.

For Philhealth, its a minimum of 9 months contribution, and for SSS they are requiring a minimum of 3 months.

*** SSS maternity benefit amount differs from everyone as it depends on your salary bracket and how much you contributed every month.

How to compute for your SSS Maternity Benefit?

Sample computation: Due date of October 2016 – You only paid your premium from January 2016 to June 2016 with corresponding salary credit amounting to 9,500 (or you paid 1,045 monthly) your computation would be: 9,500 x 6 months = 57,000 57,000 / 180 days = 316.66 daily maternity benefit 316.66 x 60 days = P 19,000 maternity benefit for Normal delivery 316.66 x 78 days = P 24,700 maternity benefit for Cesarean delivery.

Here’s an updated SSS Maternity Benefit Contribution chart to guide you.

List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (1)

Requirements for PhilHealth Maternity Benefit:

As of writing, what I know is that for Normal delivery it will be Php 6,000 less to your hospital bills and for Cesarean delivery it will be Php 19,000 less.

  1. CF1 to CF3 (you can get this at the hospital) just fill up the forms.
  2. Philhealth ID (xerox and original)
  3. MDR (Member Data Record)
  4. Receipt of Payment (xerox and original)
  5. Summary of Contributions

I also created a checklist of all documents (combined in a folder with label for each files) that I will bring together with my hospital bag. I will be orienting my sister and husband regarding this documents too just to be sure that everything is in place.

Documents to Bring to the Hospital:

  1. OB admission slip / referral letter
  2. Marriage contract (xerox and original)
  3. ID – me and husband’s (xerox and original)
  4. Baby book with all my laboratory results inside
  5. All forms for Philhealth
  6. All forms for SSS
  7. Mother’s information sheet
  8. Birth Certificate cheat sheet

*** Items 7 and 8 needs to be created ahead of time as it will serve as a cheat sheet to make sure that there won’t be any typographical error especially for the birth certificate as we know that It can be a real hassle to have this corrected in NSO eventually. Also, I don’t think I’ll be sane enough and not in pain if ever the nurses will be asking me about my medical history.

List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (2)
List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (3)

All things and effort considered in compiling the documents needed I think it is all worth it. Thinking of the amount you’ll be receiving and the deduction in your hospital bill is a big help especially in the arrival of your new baby which we’re all aware can be very costly.

Hope this helps!

Is the maternity leave applicable only to married women?

No, maternity leave can be availed of regardless of the civil status of the woman who gave birth or suffered miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy.

Getting my documents ready at 31 weeks and counting… Lord please give me a normal delivery and a healthy baby boy 🙂

List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (4)
List of Requirements for your Maternity Benefits (SSS and Philhealth) - Tribobot x Mom Nessly (2025)
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