World Boss Spawn Times too long (2025)

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There is no fun in waiting all day for the bosses to spawn.
It should be at most 1 minute respawn time. This last event is a frustrating chore because of this!!!



  • SeaGtGruff


    At most 1 minute? Holy cow, if you couldn't finish looting the corpse until after you'd called on your assistants to deconstruct gear, sell treasure, and bank the stuff you plan on keeping, the boss would respawn before you even managed to clear enough space in your inventory to finish looting its corpse!

    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!



  • vsrs_au


    I clicked "agree" because of the OP's 1st and last sentences, I disagree with the 2nd sentence, though. The spawn times for the WBs in both Elsweyrs should probably be about 5 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it's at least double that, which DOES make this latest event a bit frustrating.

    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390



  • Kirawolfe


    I get that you're waiting during this event because folks are killing the boss almost instantly, and that's irritating.

    But that's pretty immersion breaking. Killing the big bad only to have him pop back up almost instantly XD

    No thanks.



  • FluffWit


    Now delve bosses, they should spawn immediately everytime you enter their vicinity. Them taking 5 minutes is actually quite a problem.

    World bosses? I dont mind the 5 minutes at all. But I also wouldnt care if they respawned after 60 seconds.

    Theres a seperate time gate on you actually getting loot so faster respawns wouldnt be a problem in that regard.

    Perhaps we could meet in the middle with all bosses respawning after 3 minutes and your chance to loot also resetting after 3 minutes?



  • Amottica


    Boss spawn timers should be dynamic based on how many players are in the zone when it was last killed. With that, 1 minute is far to short for a respawn.

    Same thing with the respawn of anything quest related. Having them on a dynamic timer makes events and zone launches less annoying.



  • DMuehlhausen


    The timer is perfectly fine. it's like 10 minutes if that. The problem is right now it's a way to get a ticket so they die instantly and you normally run in as it dies and you then have to wait. I wouldn't be opposed to them speeding it up for the event, but there should be no permanent change to it.



  • jtm1018


    5 minutes is just enough.
    Lower would make it a farm spot.
    Longer would be boring.



  • peacenote


    There are a lot of threads about this. Anecdotally, the Southern Elsweyr bosses seem to take an extra long for me. No, I haven't timed them. Based on all the threads, it seems like it's generally agreed that World Boss spawns are either five or ten minutes (I couldn't find an "official" source), but even that range is not always everyone's experience. I am not sure if this is due to bugs or variance in zones.

    I personally would like to see 5 minutes (if that's not what's happening now) and any bugs where the spawns take longer to be fixed. And/or this suggestion:

    Amottica wrote: »

    Boss spawn timers should be dynamic based on how many players are in the zone when it was last killed. With that, 1 minute is far to short for a respawn.

    Same thing with the respawn of anything quest related. Having them on a dynamic timer makes events and zone launches less annoying.

    Topics I found on this:


    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.

    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.


  • mocap


    You can try to port any dungeon, wait few seconds, then press the leave button. If you lucky, you will spawn at another zone instance with world boss already spawned.


  • SilverWF


    Is there a bosses with several hours respawn?
    10+- min - the most time I can only recall
    What are teh OP talking about?

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  • Necrotech_Master


    jtm1018 wrote: »

    5 minutes is just enough.
    Lower would make it a farm spot.
    Longer would be boring.

    this, but also if its shorter than 3 min you wouldnt get loot from each boss kill anyway, it would only help if you were trying to clear a daily quickly

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    active player since april 2014

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    feel free to stop by and use the facilities



  • SeaGtGruff


    I thought the respawn period was about 15 minutes? Or maybe there's a 15-minute cooldown period for something else and that's why 15 minutes seems to be stuck in my head?

    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!


  • TybaltKaine


    My understanding is that the WB global cooldown is 8 minutes. That can feel like an eternity when you have a bunch of people spastically spamming aoe's on the corpse, jumping around, spamming emotes and playing several offkey renditions of Ragnar the Red, but it's still pretty short all things considered.

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  • Alpheu5


    peacenote wrote: »

    There are a lot of threads about this. Anecdotally, the Southern Elsweyr bosses seem to take an extra long for me. No, I haven't timed them. Based on all the threads, it seems like it's generally agreed that World Boss spawns are either five or ten minutes (I couldn't find an "official" source), but even that range is not always everyone's experience. I am not sure if this is due to bugs or variance in zones.

    Unless there are 2 groups killing both dragons simultaneously, in my experience the Southern Elsweyr dragon spawning cycle allows you to kill one then move on to the other, and when you kill the other, the first one is about to land again. I'm able to do that daily with zero wait time, even when the event rolls around year after year.

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    Judas Helviaryn wrote: »

    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.


  • kringled_1


    For the event, I did the Northern Elsweyr world boss dailies, on both PC/NA and PC/EU, once per day.
    I ended up soloing quite a few of them, and of the others most were 2-3 players in total, and that's during an event. I see very limited benefits to faster spawns.


  • Hoghorn


    during the event i killed 9 world bosses in southern elsweyr. a few times, i arrived just as the boss died and each time it took 10 minutes to respawn. there were between 10 and 20 other players there each time. faster respawn times, like every 5 minutes, would mean more people getting loot from the boss. the thing where only the top 12 damage dealers getting loot sucks, very poor for tanks and heals as well as newer players.


  • vsrs_au


    Hoghorn wrote: »

    during the event i killed 9 world bosses in southern elsweyr. a few times, i arrived just as the boss died and each time it took 10 minutes to respawn. there were between 10 and 20 other players there each time. faster respawn times, like every 5 minutes, would mean more people getting loot from the boss. the thing where only the top 12 damage dealers getting loot sucks, very poor for tanks and heals as well as newer players.

    I also got that a few times: there were so many players present when the boss spawned (because it took too long to spawn) that I missed out on loot because my share of the damage wasn't high enough. Reducing the respawn times would mitigate this problem.

    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390



  • rpa


    I did not do world boss dailies because AWA, waiting times and rewards makes it pointless compared to dragons.


  • wowi70


    How about this? Respawn 60 seconds but cooldown for loot/xp is 60 minutes. Then this annoying camping is history. When I kill a boss i hit "E", got all and leave. Took me always less than 10 seconds.
    But if I sum up all time waiting just for respawn we are talking about many hours probably a day or so and that is ridicolous. But I already guessed it is one aim to keep you ingame as long as possible.


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World Boss Spawn Times too long (2025)
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